
Thanks for your interest in volunteering at Mechanical Gardens. We welcome volunteers of any skill level. We are 100% volunteer-run organization — we depend on the generous efforts of volunteers. Your role as a volunteer will be defined by your specific skills and interest, and we regularly have volunteer tasks that require no mechanical experience.

Why volunteer with us?

We have a great community of volunteers with a wide range of skill levels.If you are interested in bike equity, dismantling white supremacy, gaining mechanic skills, and honing your teaching skills you should join us. We ask that all volunteers adhere to our safer spaces policy.

How do I volunteer?

Arrive at one of our locations 15 minutes before the start of open hours to participate in our volunteer orientation. We take volunteers on a first come, first served basis. We typically cannot take more than three or four new volunteers during any one shift, so arriving at the co-op as close to the beginning of a shift as possible is best. Please be prepared to volunteer for a minimum of two hours.

Can I volunteer as a mechanic?

Please do! If you are an experienced mechanic, we almost always have a place for you to drop in, regardless of how many other volunteers we have that day.

How do I become an organizer?

Organizers are responsible for opening/closing our spaces, managing and coordinating volunteers, and selling components and bikes. Behind the scenes, organizers run social media, order inventory, write grants, and work with other community organizations. To become an organizer, here’s what you need to do:

  • Volunteer at least 20+ hours
  • Express your interest to a current organizer
  • Join an monthly organizer meeting
  • Start a trial period as an organizer
  • Gain full access to resources and files upon completion of the trial period

Volunteer/Organizer Guidelines

Volunteers and organizers must adhere to our safer spaces agreement. Read the full agreement.